The Malish Corporation – on the Move! (Literally)

In its storied 71-year existence, The Malish Corporation just completed its fifth move. John and Pauline Malish started Malish Brush & Specialty Co in 1945 using their garage in Garfield Heights, Ohio as headquarters.

Shortly thereafter, the fledgling company outgrew the garage and moved to E. 59th Street in downtown Cleveland where they continued to grow as they produced rotary brushes for the OEM brush machine companies. A few years later, the company moved to larger headquarters on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. By 1971, it was time to move again. This time, the Malish’s took a big gamble and purchased a property in Willoughby, Ohio where they constructed a beautiful new 30,000 square foot building as their new headquarters. The building had plenty of room to manufacture brushes and still allow for sufficient office space in the front of the building. Later, two additions were added. In 1983, 20,000 sq. ft. was added for additional production space and later, in 1995, 33,000 sq. ft. was added to accommodate the introduction of a plastics extrusion division (Malish Plastics).

For 45 years, Malish thrived at this location adding new products, capabilities and personnel while the company continued to prosper year after year.

Finally, in 2016, there was no more room to grow. As President Jeff Malish saw it, there was only one thing to do. Jeff and his executive management team looked for a new location that could accommodate the tremendous growth that Malish has seen and also offer space for additional growth in the coming years. In neighboring Mentor, Ohio, Malish found the answer to its dreams. An existing building would need to be completely rehabbed from the ground up but it had everything Malish needed. The facility has 160,000 sq. ft. under roof allowing Malish room to grow now and into the future.

“We were just maxed out in Willoughby and our expansion and growth plans dictated that we had to move. Obviously moving a business that has been in one location for 45 years is a herculean task but our team has proven to be up for the challenge. We created a task force which dotted every “I” and crossed every “T” to make sure things would go as smoothly as possible and they did a great job as I knew they would,” stated Jeff Malish.

As the year draws to an end, The Malish Corporation is making final preparations to move into its new headquarters and preparing for a strong 2017.

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